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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


One of the things I find most entertaining about film is interpreting what I am seeing in ways that were never intended. Forcing a perspective change on a film can turn even the most popcorn laden summer blockbuster into a deeper and often more entertaining experience.Today we're going to look at three films. Blue Crush, The Fast and The Furious, and Ghostbusters.

In The Fast and The Furious we assume that late in the film when Brian reveals his undercover status to Torretto that this is a betrayal and a complete surprise. But if you interpret The conversation between Torretto and Brian when Brian rescues Torretto from the cops that Torretto knows everything about Brian and when he says his name this is sarcasm and disbelief, Brian hasn't fooled Torretto but Torretto chooses to keep this a secret from everyone in the group except for Jessie which also gives Jessie an more interesting angle because Jessie trusts Torretto enough to open up to an undercover cop. It also makes the final reveal conversation between Torretto and Brian a reversal because Brian's not revealing to Torretto at this point, he is revealing to himself as to which side he has chosen. Torretto then hammers the point that choosing a side in this instance has serious consequences for all involved and that it while Brian was confused as to his loyalties Torretto never was, This makes the final race/escape a bit more interesting because Brian isn't choosing Torretto over his law enforcement career, he is apologizing for loosing sight of his job, his goals and for inciting the destruction of Torretto's gang, Torretto gets a free pass and Brain stays behind to face the punishment for loosing sight of who and what he is.

Blue Crush is the story of an up and coming surfer that opens the movie dreaming of a surfing accident she suffered a year previous, we're then treated to a somewhat watchable story of personal and professional redemption, hot girls, happy endings, up beat music and a wish fulfillment sotry that plays out like a Disney Princess story for single moms working through their pregnancies.

But change the interpretation of the film and we assume that her "dream" of the accideent is actually the real accident. Everything after the "dream" is Ann's time in purgatory. Every character represents some aspect of her personality, hopes, dreams, or fears. She is being judged by the almighty as she makes her way through her own personal spiritual trials and in the end she surfs with determination and overcomes her fears. She ultimately "looses" the competition (dies) but becomes "famous" (goes to Heaven).

Ghostbusters might be the most interesting of these examples. Watch the film under the assumption tha the Ghostbusters are the true villians. The entire story hinges on their obsession with paranormal activity. And until they create their trapping and containment systems the amount of paranormal activity seems to be a relatively normal low to non existent. This is why they are kicked off campus for never being able to produce results. There are no ghost sightings in the news, they are focused in an area that is a virtual non issue. But once they take up residence in the firehouse and build their machines (which why they couldn't build these machines using university money is beyond me) The ammount of ghost activity sky rockets. And thus they face the same problem as every other super hero origin story, the nemesis to the hero is created almost entirely out of actions take by the "heroes" yes there were ghosts before the Ghostbusters had their system up and running but the film goes to great lengths to point out that for the most part no one really cared and these guys are hacks. But the further they get into their ghost trapping adventures the more and more crazy stuff keeps happening. Enter Dana Barret and her apartment building, (which was there for a very long time before the Ghostbusters and did absolutely NOTHING). You can make the case that Zuel, the key master, and the gate keeper and the rescue team for the wrongfully imprisoned ghosts being held by the Ghostbusters. Egon at one point in the film miss interprets the data he has collected and blames the ghosts and the evil apartment building on a massive buildup of energy in the NY area. When he should have looked right at his containment system. Which when shut down does basically create the paranormal version of the atomic bomb. Even the key master can see that he and the rest of the rescue team are too late and that the Ghostbusters must be stopped before they use their unlimited funds and technological intelligence to cause more harm to both the physical and metaphysical realms. All the damage and destruction seen in the film comes from wayward ghosts and the proton pack beam's wild flaming arc's of destruction. These are men stupid enough to run around with nuclear weapons strapped to their backs, it's a wonder they didn't just melt the damn city down building them in the first place. Even the Stay Puft Marshmellow man which is a punishment laid upon the Ghostbusters by Zuel comes from Ray's mind, and is just another reminder that Educated ignorance is one of the most violent ways we can destroy ourselves.

So take another look at your favorite films or get a six pack and watch your least favorite films. Take the opportunity to change the accepted interpretations of what your seeing. You'll be surprised how much it can change what your watching.

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