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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

80's Movies Part 1

Seems like I can't turn on the television with out VH1 trying to rape my memories of decades I never lived through. I was born in 1982 ( I'm Y2K  compliant) and I sure as hell loved the 70's. But bad TV specials isn't the subject of this article. This article  of Blame Lundon is my very first reader request and the beginning of a series of reviews and critiques. My favorite 80's movies of the 80's, (<---super 8 is basically an 80's movie but it was made recently so figure that one out.)  A decade for the most part I barely remember, but have strong feelings for.

Using IMDB I went through about the top 750 films in each year from 1980-89 and came up with a list of my favorite films from the 80's. As this is my article this list is definite and complete. Unless you count movies from the 80's that I haven't seen yet, which there are many. So this list is in no way definite or complete, but don't argue with me I'm a L.A.R.P'er and can beat you up (empty threat, please don't show up at my house)

I was not expecting to have such a large list of movies so I have broken this topic into subsections. with Categories like best science fiction, best kids movies, best wtf?!, best background noise movies, best movies you never admit to liking, Best American's don't like subtitles movies, and what ever other random categories I can think up.

Are you ready for the pointlessly arbitrary breakdown? OF COURSE YOU ARE!

This week I'm Grouping up and breaking down Legend 1986, The Never Ending Story 1985, Labyrinth 1986, and The Dark Crystal 1982. It's Myth's, Legends, and Muppet's week here at Blame Lundon!

The best thing about the 80's was that Hollywood hadn't quite gotten to the point where computers could animate anything you could dream of. And yet there were a number of films that would end up becoming classics because they were down to the smallest detail, truly fantastic not just in terms of quality but in terms of how they really built whole new places that removed you from your current time and space.  Special effects houses created real live props and sets that were free from digital interference. Costumes and props had to be designed to work in a real space. Some how this made it easier as a child to not only be spirited away into these fantasy worlds but now watching them as an adult I can appreciate the true artistry that was put into creating these real live works of art.

I am not slighting computer effects or animation in any way, I just have a very special place in my heart for a time in Hollywood where if you were gonna shoot it you had to build it. Knowing that you could actually get your hands on what you were seeing helped to build a connection not just with the props and locations but the characters, your brain didn't have to question the stuff that pulls you out of a story, like weight of an object or density or texture, why someone's clothing is bending in such an unnatural way, These are problems that animation works very hard to slip right past our questioning brains so that we can actually watch their story play out. In the 80's all Hollywood had to do was build elaborate sets and costumes for really real and audiences were sold.


I have seen this movie many times through out my life and every time I see it my brain whitewashes the truly sinister evil of the devil and his minions. I think this is largely due in part to two things. The first is the Tangerine Dream soundtrack. Which I love. I have yet to watch the directors cut of the film which has the original orchestral score (I own it and will be watching it soon) But the music in this was such an important part of what made me love it as a child that I really cannot imagine it sounding any different.

Legend is such a strong meta-myth that applying metaphor to it is like claiming there is a novel in every can of alphabet soup. And I freely admit that considering the highly stylized feel of the film it probably doesn't go out of its way to welcome fair weather fans of the genre. I would have to take a survey to know for sure but I'm gonna guess it's one of those movies that people either love or hate.

Things I really liked:

The textures and density of the set dressing. Most people comment on the glitter that is literally all over this movie and leave it at that, and I personally think they are missing some truly great set design and dressing. Every location feels very complete. I found myself marveling at all the crap in the giant kitchen, everything was laid out and place in such a way that you could tell these giants did a lot of cooking in there. The set design of the kitchen creates more character for those two giants than the actual giants do. This is their place, and you cannot help but feel a bit bad that these little bastards are fucking with all their shit.

Tim Curry as the Devil. I know they probably messed with his voice in post but everything about him from the design of his makeup and costume, his voice, the neon green eyes in the opening reveal. Everything about this character made me kind of understand why evil was so enticing, if the devil is that fascinating of course you wanna turn away from good.

The Victory against the devil is very dark. I like that basically the message is that by "killing" him they released the concentrated "darkness" out into the cosmos to be dispersed amongst all creation. Kind of like Obi-Wan when he said "strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can imagine." With this understood we then see the future pain and loss of magic and wonder in the end of the movie. The Mystical creatures probably understand that they aren't just waving goodbye to Jack and Lili, but to all humanity. These are creatures and beings that cannot withstand contact with the darkness in the human heart and are mortally wounded by the ease in which the average person can disbelieve anything they choose to. it is up to the viewer to decide for themselves if the magical world ceased to exist or just cut off contact with humanity.

Stuff that didn't really work for me:

Tom Cruise, I just didn't like him in this role. He very much felt out of place amongst a cast that was doing everything in their power to sell this movie to the masses. And considering he doesn't admit to being in this movie I can pretty much assume he didn't give a shit about it then either.

Next up is The Never Ending Story!

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