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Friday, June 17, 2011

Things I learned from Green Lantern (Spoilers and naughty words)

If you keep saying that the item or element that locks the main character into their current journey never makes mistakes,  then its best not to have a bunch of other characters flip flop constantly. "(item/person) never makes mistakes but it chose you and you suck sloppy donkey dick so logically the only option is (item/person) must have made a mistake cause I refuse to even consider the fact that I'm a super judgmental close minded fuck tard. A little of this makes for interesting character development. To much and the audience goes from thinking the story is lazy to hating characters real quick.

its important to show cause and effect, action and decisions build character. But be aware that if your going to have your main character behave as if he is super late for a birthday party and wrap a present while he is driving (creating a situation where we see he obviously has no 'fear' because he's a massive danger to everyone else on the road) do not have him go to work for a whole day and then leisurely meander to the party 15 minutes after I forgot why the fuck he tried to commit Twisted metal style mass murder with his muscle car. "shit I must wrap this present while I'm driving because I have to give it to my cousin in 8 hours" is solid character development if your creating a fucking idiot that doesn't deserve to be a super hero and should never have a ring that works with the power of will/thought.

One well developed secondary character that cares about the hero is good, making it the love interest is often better. adding in a kid, a (what I'm guessing was a) brother, the brothers wife, and another J random party couple that also 'care' about the hero just long enough for us to NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN or learn their names is a waste of time which we could have used for all those awesome corps vs the yellow smoke cloud wars you chose not to write or shoot. This rule also holds true for the best friend/comic relief. Pick three secondary characters and stick with them, develop them and rock out.

The whole point of the heroes journey is the hero having no other options to save the day than to rely on themselves because they are the ONLY possible option left. The other 3,599 green lanterns didn't help save earth because...FUCK YOU that's why. I don't care if Hal was being tested, Sinestro and the ancients peed their pants at the mere mention of Parallax. Their plans and strategy for defending Oua we're criminally retarded and make we wonder if the rest of the universe is filled with addle minded dumb asses.If your telling a story that includes a super bad ass army of super bad asses, use the entire army of super bad asses at some point. Even if they get destroyed your doing everyone in the audience a favor by not being a time wasting cock tease. "there are 3600 space cops but we will only sprinkle a few at a time on THE WORST EVIL EVER KNOW TO SENTIENT BEINGS!!!!!...also we know no fear, except we do know fear. Cause green is also the color of being full of shit, lies, and pompous arrogance.

if your gonna start your story with a monolog like this: "In the beginning two fucking righteous bad asses kicked the shit out of each other, we're not gonna show you but trust us it was fucking bitchin. Then nothing happened for a really long time, 'cept like you know, garden variety type badness, nothing like intergalactic voldimort or nuthin' just, you know...assholes robing interstellar banks and what not. THEN BAM! The two righteous bad asses fight again and this time shit gets really real" you better make damn sure the movie ends up cooler and more fun to watch than the story you fucking skipped over in your prolog.

I also know I would be a terrible Green Lantern cause these guys are making guns and swords and all kinds of metaphorical shit that looks cool but in actuality is pretty fucking basic. I am thinking I would just use my green ring to reach down peoples throats and rip their lungs out...maybe I would be a Yellow Lantern?

I want to be able to write a flowery descriptive reason as to why the flash back of the dad was bullshit from moment one, but I'm just gonna be raw about it. A: You cannot use a moment of random crippling doubt concerning something that apparently deeply effects your character and have it be intermittently  tied to how awesome they are. When people weren't offering to suck Hal off cause he was the best pilot that ever played After Burner, they were spending their next immediate breath telling him he would be so much further along in his career if he didn't steal Mavrick's Daddy issues (truthfully he didn't steal them he won them fair and square in a poker game. Think of pilots with daddy issues as the millennium falcon of aerial combat movies (Top Gun, Iron Man 2, Green lantern). All of Hal Jordan's issues seemed to be only mentioned by other people. When ever he had the chance to do something he was awesome until the plot wouldn't let him be awesome any more and then he would run away because well he fucking had to so they could justify his triumph over his "self doubt". I didn't for one second buy the idea that someone willing to fly into fucking space with a normal fighter jet in an attempt to kill two robot planes would be all "awe I sucked in my first half day of GL combat training and Spock with the suntan was mean to me. What color ring do the Emo Lanterns get?"

I'm super fucking curious as to what the Stargate thing was in the science lab and why the lab table slid up into the "not a Stargate." I'm pretty sure Skippy the mad scientist could have done the autopsy on the ground just as easily.

The Green Lantern Suits were fucking awesome though.

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